Build a Cupcake

I have finally finished one of my cutest piano activities ever!  It is called "Build a Cupcake."  This activity is a fun way to review note and rest values.  It is based on 4/4 time, and includes the following terms:

-Quarter Note
-Half Note
-Dotted Half Note
-Whole Note
-Eighth Note
-Sixteenth Note
-Quarter Rest
-Half Rest
-Dotted Half Rest
-Whole Rest
-Eighth Rest
-Sixteenth Rest

Each of these terms is written on a cupcake bottom.  They each have a matching frosting with their symbol printed on it, and a matching cherry with the number of beats they receive in 4/4 time.  There is a total of 12 cupcakes.  

Head on over to my TPT store to grab this super cute activity!


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